Web Analytics

Whatever is worth doing is worth measuring


Web Analytics

You can keep amending landing pages as per the requirements to keep people on your site – and convert. It’s possible to design promotions by analyzing who your visitors are and where they come from. Based upon the feedbacks, you can make decisions which might be considered as wise in hindsight. All this is possible when you have actionable data pieces comprising all the components of your business at your fingertips. The truth is in an era where digitalization has changed the buying and behavioral patterns of the people, modern digital marketing campaign cannot stand on its feet without knowing how your customers are using your website and social media pages. It will keep you deprived of the tangible understanding of what search engines are sending the traffic and what are the most important keywords for you. Keeping this in mind, we have come up with digital analytics services that take a holistic view of measuring everything that concerns with your business’ website and overall digital persona.

Services First measure, then market

Web Analytics Audit

In case your analytics implementation is inaccurate, there is a high possibility that insights that you are collecting are wrong and are leading you to inaccurate conclusions. Web Analytics Audit can prove more than handy in extracting actionable business insights from your data. Our offerings include:

  • Identifying basic problems with your installation or data collection

  • Leveraging existing marketing technology stack to enhance data collection and analytics implementation

  • Ensuring accurate and relevant data collection

  • System and Interface Testing

  • Smoke Testing

Reporting & Analysis

Being able to give the concrete and tangible status of your website’s performance, reports are the key tools to decision makers. They allow the decision makers to comprehend data in as short a time as possible to make informed data-driven decisions on the spot. We cover the following offerings in our web analytics reporting services:

  • Dashboard analytics

  • Web traffic analysis reports

  • KPI reports

  • Content analytics

  • Regular/ ad hoc web analytics reports

  • Funnel analysis reports

  • Internal search analysis reports

  • Search engine analytics

  • SEO reports

  • Ad / content campaign reports

Google Analytics

Despite its customizability and super functionality, we have experienced that Google Analytics needs more than just installing it in your web server. You should be able to moderately tweak Google Analytics to perform and work for your business – something which most of the companies seriously lacks. Our services cover these specific areas:

  • Basic Website Statistics like data and popular keywords

  • Goal setting, funnel analysis and Measuring Offline Activities

  • Google Analytics Customization

  • Website Optimization and Testing

Campaign Analytics

Irrespective of how well you have planned the campaign strategy, it’s incomplete without an effective and actionable reporting method. You should be in real-time sync with your online marketing progress on a daily basis. To revolutionize the way campaigns get germinated and tracked, we are offering the following services-

  • 24/7 site visitor tracking

  • Direct Site Value

  • Page Ranking and SEO Audits

  • Integrating Data Analysis with CRM

  • Conversion Tracking Processes

  • API Performance Indicators

  • Performance Reports

The Impact Reduction in sales & marketing spend due to improved analysis

Our Value PropositionMore than reporting