Services \ AI and ML \ Data Science

Data Science Solutions

There must be reason why MIT’s found that the data-driven companies have 4% higher productivity and 6% higher profits. The simple truth is if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Since data is the sole catalyst that quantifies each and every iota of business and thereby makes it measurable, it’s the “new capital” of business. Hence data is to businesses what mainstay is to ships That’s precisely why Futurism’s decision science puts you on the shore of data science through its robust and customizable Advanced Marketing Tools.

Data Solutions

Sheep 9

Text, Image & Video Analytics

Sheep 9

NextGen Demand Analytics

Sheep 9

Predictive Analytics

Sheep 9

Cognitive Customer Analytics


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Case Studies


Why AI in Digital Marketing is the Next Big Thing?

March 15, 2022

Marketing is one key business process that stands to benefit the most from AI. Yes, AI in digital marketing is the next big thing. AI in digital marketing helps to identify the type of content a customer is most likely to engage with. Our AI-powered content marketing services can help you churn out highly personalized and targeted content designed to suit a specific set of audience.AI-powered email marketing helps brands to personalize their email campaigns based on specific user behaviors....

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Futurism brings ‘Mobile First Digital Transformation’ to the fore at MWC Barcelona 2022

March 15, 2022

Meet innovating powerhouses and groundbreaking leaders as they discuss on how technology such as Big Data....

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Futurism Empowers Rural Health Care Community at the AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference

March 15, 2022

Security is always an uphill battle when it comes to rural hospitals and smaller community clinics, since....

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Business growth with Data & AI