Think Smart. Think Digital. We Make It Possible for You

Branding and marketing are “Push” and “Pull” factors of any business. They are balanced with a mix of various strategies and techniques. Strategic planning requires you to put on your thinking caps with a dash of creativity. This is where our cumulative experience of 18+ years comes into play. We provide a set of result-driven, integrated and 100% digital marketing and branding solutions that will help you – Generate Brand Awareness, Build Leads, Drive Sales, and Skyrocket Your Business Growth.



ServicesExpertise & tools - digital marketing double team

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the summation of marketing strategies, enriching web experiences, lead generation, sales, and business transformation. Going digital is just a beginning of the transformation journey, it takes lots of inputs to “be there” at the forefront of the digital revolution. This is where new age digital marketing services can help you, and we are the One!

Futurism Technologies not only helps businesses to build, market, and promote their products, services, and brands online, but also help them navigate through the complex digital landscape. Our experienced team of digital marketers specialize in the design and development of performance, results, and value-driven digital marketing experiences that can easily meet your business goals, and customer expectations. We believe the strength of our digital marketing services lies in our expanding set of core competencies that are refined to deliver tailored solutions to our clients.

Digital Marketing Services

Online Marketplace Promotion

Social Media Marketing

Why should you take social media seriously? It is because 72% of buyers still take on various social media sites to check the credibility of your business and services. With Social Media, your stores, services, and products are never closed.

Social media marketing is basically the use of social media platforms to promote your products and services. This is a great marketing tool for big as well as small businesses to reach their targets. A combination of right strategy, perfect timing, and 100% efficient planning is what you may require to succeed in social media. This is where we can help. At Futurism Technologies, help create a value for your brand across various social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and many more.

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Social Media Marketing Services

  • Social Media Audit

  • LinkedIn Profile Creation & Management

  • YouTube Channel Creation & Management

  • Facebook Page Management

  • Twitter Account Management

  • Community Management

Paid Marketing

What is the most fearsome thing for any business? Seeing their customers buying from their competitors. To avoid this they end up spending heavily on advertising. Some advertising strategies may work, some may not, thereby driving the business to seek new avenues. At Futurism Technologies, we specialize in paid search marketing and advertising that delivers maximum value to your business. Right from planning budget for your advertising to building value-driven campaigns, we take care of all your paid marketing requirements. Our first, second, and third aim is boosting your business revenues by designing enriching and personalized paid marketing campaigns. Are you ready for it?

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Paid Marketing Services

  • Search Advertisement.

  • Ad Copyrighting And Testing.

  • Display Advertisement.

  • Bing Ads Setup And Management.

  • Video Advertisement .

  • Conversion Rate Optimization.

  • Product Listing.

  • Bid Management.

Web Analytics

Gaining a leading edge in the digital marketplace is becoming challenging. Building a website is not enough to drive a business. You need to implement a digital marketing strategy that performs. Again it takes an in-depth understanding of customer behavior to build a successful marketing strategy. This is where your dependence on web analytics increases.Web analytics is all about analyzing user behavior. With this you can form patterns of user preferences and optimize your website for better results. This is not enough. You need to monitor and track your website every day to understand the difference. With so many other things to take care of, this tracking can be difficult.

We, at Futurism Technologies, implement custom analytics to meet your business requirements. We conduct daily audits to measure the performance of your website. With this you get to know the pages and links most visited and how you should customize information. Our team provides results with detailed explanations, which helps bring consistency to your campaigns and allows you measure campaign performance transparently.

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Web Analytics Services

  • Web Analytics Audit.

  • Understanding the User Behavior, Demographics, And Finding Opportunities.

  • Baseline Analysis of Website Metrics.

  • Identifying the Right Marketing Channel And Measuring ROI.

  • Analytics Attribution.

  • Monitoring the site's performance, Tracking Conversions, and Optimization.

  • Digital Analytics— Tracking, Reporting, And Analysis.

  • Gain insight into how visitors treat various design elements, and further improve the website for increased conversion rates.

Online Reputation Management

A good marketing strategy is an advantage to any business. It can build relationships, boost sales, and help you succeed in lot many ways. However, a good reputation is a real game changer! There is abundant information available on online about your business. What people read online about you and your business reflects in their decision to buy from you. So, a good reputation is extremely essential if you want to build trust among customers. We specialize in trust building - Online Reputation Management services.

We can help you make a best first impression by promoting the positive information about your business. We use different strategies to minimize the visibility of negative information, and bring forward only the good news about your business. The end result is always amazing. People only read good about you. They start believing in you. They decide to buy from you. They speak highly of your business to others. It strengthens your bottom line.

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Online Reputation Management Services

  • Brand Email Alerts

  • Burial of Negative Reviews in SERP

  • Negative Review management on 3rd party platforms.

  • Brand Damage Repair & PR

  • Profile Building

  • Branding on Social Media platform

Integrated Influencer Marketing Strategy

Undoubtedly digital technologies have revolutionized the way we perceive things. Social media platforms have become an integral part of our decision making. Almost 80% of people now look for recommendations on various social media platforms before buying a service or product. They search recommendations of influencers who may be industry experts or other well-known people. This is why businesses now use these platforms to amplify their digital presence through these digital influencers.

Influencer marketing is a new marketing strategy where brands engage people with a huge social media presence to promote their services. According to a study, since 2019, 86% of businesses have increased their influencer marketing budgets and they are utilizing it to improve their traffic and customers. However, that is not enough. Building an effective and value-driven influencer marketing strategy and connecting with the right influencer is important to succeed. At Futurism Technologies, we help our clients leverage the best practices of influencer marketing to amplify their brand value. Through our services, we aim to connect brands with the right influencers with mass persuasion power, thereby helping them to stand out in the competition.

Influencer Marketing Services

  • Integrated Influencer Marketing Strategy

  • Content Development with Leading Industry Influencers

  • Influencer Identification, Recruiting, and Outreach

  • Full Influencer Marketing Program Implementation

  • Influencer Content Amplification

Buyer Persona Development

Lead generation is the key focus of any marketing campaign. Among various factors, knowing your buyer and their requirements is extremely important if you are targeting a good lead generation. At Futurism Technologies, our digital marketing experts create fictional buyer personas that are modeled around different customer groups and answer all key questions about their choices, likes and dislikes, demands, expectations from your brand and so on.

Do you know the lead generation entirely depends on messaging? It is a human tendency to get attracted to the message that sounds natural, promising, and trustworthy. The buyer personas we create will help you develop brand messaging that appeals to certain sets of customers with typical concerns, needs, and behaviors.

Buyer persona development is deeply rooted in understanding of customer behavior and it demands an attention to detail. At Futurism Technologies, we employ a variety of market research methods for developing buyer personas, such as fact finding and goal setting, surveys, in-depth interviews, ethnographic research and website analytics, and so on. These unique buyer personas not only ensure improved lead generation but also create product or service roadmaps that prioritize changes based on customer requirements. These buyer personas can be used by your marketing, sales, and customer support teams for efficient messaging and customer service.

Content Marketing Services

Content marketing forms the core of digital and online marketing. Good content helps improve brand visibility and trust among customers and double the revenues. Various studies have proven that content marketing is more effective and less expensive than traditional marketing and brings up to 3X quality leads, 7.5X site traffic, and 6X conversions.

Building a content strategy that addresses your target audience, offers them valuable information, solves their challenges, and drives them to make a purchase decision is a key to success in your niche. As your content marketing partner, we will help you develop a results-driven content marketing strategy, as well as create, promote, and distribute content that is loved by both search engines and humans. With decades of experience and hundreds of happy and satisfied clients, Futurism Technologies has become the choice for businesses looking for content marketing services that rank, sell, and perform!

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Content Marketing Services

  • Blog

  • Article

  • Press Release

  • Whitepapers

  • Infographics

  • Web Page Content

  • Email Newsletters

Marketing Automation Services

Marketing automation is no more a future trend, rather it has emerged as a key success factor in digital marketing. Do you know more than 63% of leading brands use marketing automation to outperform their competitors! Many businesses are realizing the potential of marketing automation. Increased sales, productivity, and conversions are a few positive outcomes of marketing automation.

A strong marketing automation solution is one that transforms the entire spectrum of marketing activities across the company right from lead capture to marketing activity automation to sales reporting to ROI analysis. At Futurism Technologies, we help businesses drive success across their organization by embracing such strong marketing automation solutions.

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Mobile App Marketing

The world has shifted from computers to smartphones. More than 3.2 billion people across the world use smartphones and they spend 88% of their time on different mobile apps. Thus, mobile apps have become the most important aspect of business success. There are currently 2.87 million apps and 1.96 million apps for download in Google Play Store and Apple App Store. These apps will succeed only when people download and use them regularly.

To make this happen, these mobile apps must be visible to users. At Futurism Technologies, we help our clients promote their apps on Google Play Store and Apple App Store successfully using various full-proof and proven App Store Marketing strategies. These strategies will not only improve your brand visibility but also inspire downloads and improve your ROI.

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Ecommerce Marketing Services

Did you know? – According to a study, more than 80% of consumers conduct web research before making an online purchase. Your customers are out there searching for you! An eCommerce business that doesn’t show up in search engine results is as good as dead.

The past year has witnessed a significant boom in online sales. Markets have been overflowing with ecommerce websites offering products/services from every nook and corner of the world, for online shoppers of every wallet size. eCommerce businesses have stopped at nothing to transform user interfaces into highly engagement –centric and impulsive experiences through meticulously designed websites and mobile apps.

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The ImpactDiscovery to conversations - the next level

Our Value PropositionMore with managed services support

Case StudiesA deeper look into our impact

Built the Brand through Content Marketing for an Acetylene Gas Plant Manufacturer



Built the Brand through Content Marketing for an Acetylene Gas Plant Manufacturer

Increased Relevant Traffic to the Website for a Motion Control Devices Manufacturer



Increased Relevant Traffic to the Website for a Motion Control Devices Manufacturer

Boosted Keyword Ranking and Organic Traffic for a Leading Spring Manufacturer in the US



Boosted Keyword Ranking and Organic Traffic for a Leading Spring Manufacturer in the US

Hard-To-Believe Growth Story of Our Client’s E-Commerce Store



Hard-To-Believe Growth Story of Our Client’s E-Commerce Store

How Our Client’s Sales Revenue Raise By 74% Through Enhanced Web Traffic



How Our Client’s Sales Revenue Raise By 74% Through Enhanced Web Traffic

How Our Secret Sauce Achieved 70% Growth in Organic Search Traffic & Revenue



How Our Secret Sauce Achieved 70% Growth in Organic Search Traffic & Revenue

How Strategic IT Planning Boosted the  Digital Marketing ROI of Sports Retailer Major



How Strategic IT Planning Boosted the Digital Marketing ROI of Sports Retailer Major