Futurism’s IoT Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Tame all your connected assets with a powerful and enterprise-ready IoT platform

Futurism’s IoT Platform-as-a-Service is a full-fledged PaaS offering that brings in a fine mix of state-of-the-art modules and capabilities:

$21.5 Million

No. of interconnected devices


Reduction in costs


Productivity boost


Retailers say yes IoT

End-to-end and seamless IoT journey for your IoT applications and solutions
  • Create future-proof IoT applications

  • Get valuable insights to scale and optimize your IoT applications

  • Drive efficiency and customer engagement

  • Gain intelligent insights to help with rapid time to market

  • Highly qualified and certified IoT expertise

An IoT platform that scales with your business
  • Seamlessly connect IoT devices for remote access/control and real time monitoring.

  • The platform offers:

  • Configurable alerts and notifications

  • Predictive maintenance

  • Diverse communication protocols


Futurism’s IoT Platform – Services and Capabilities

  • Predictive intelligence: Identify anomalies and perform predictive analysis of your equipment and devices, perform supply chain forecasting, asset condition monitoring, and much more.
  • IoT device connectivity: Foster better visibility into your existing infrastructure. Get rid of old-school methods to communicate with your devices.
  • Multiple communication protocols: Connect devices efficiently with HTTP protocol. Deliver payloads in XML, JSON, or other formats.
  • Open messaging protocol: Leverage MQTT (the de-facto standard for IoT messaging) for connecting IoT devices to the platform. Get notifications via MQTT, emails, etc.
  • Seamless third party integration and customization: Seamlessly integrate third-party enterprise applications such as CRM, ERP, etc.

Industry Applications

Asset management and monitoring for healthcare industry

    Track and monitor critical healthcare assets and gain intelligent insights on the go.

  • Real time asset intelligence

  • Improve asset visibility and traceability

  • Drive inventory accuracy

  • Improve asset utilization

  • Reduce asset downtime and misuse

  • Operational intelligence – predictive maintenance

  • Round-the-clock healthcare asset safety

  • Mobile intelligence & real-time notification

IoT Based Smart Asset Management for Manufacturing Industry

    Tame your industrial machinery and equipment.

  • Remote monitoring and troubleshooting

  • Predictive maintenance

  • Reduce downtime

  • Improve asset utilization and optimization

  • Gain intelligent insights into your assets

  • Reduce operating costs

  • Faster time to market

  • Improve operational efficiency via automated asset tracking

  • Centralized asset control and visibility

  • Utility management

  • Predict work mishaps – workers’ safety

IoT-enabled Asset Management for E-commerce Industry

    Redefine customer experience.

  • Optimize and automate inventory management

  • Real-time logistics tracking

  • Provide personalized shopping experience

  • Improved relationship between retailers and end-consumers

  • Streamline supply chain

Centralized IoT device management

Why choose Futurism IoT Platform?

IoT-ize your enterprise with the most powerful IoT platform

  • Improved efficiency and ROI

  • Highly qualified and certified IoT experts

  • Better device management capabilities

  • Seamless IoT journey

  • Gain better visibility into your connected devices

  • Future-proof and powerful IoT platform

  • 24-7-365 support

  • Built-in analytics and data visualization

  • 24Centralized dashboard and console management

  • Multi-layer enterprise grade security

Ready to get onboard? Request a callback now or Call Us at