Quality Assurance and Testing

The Success Of Real QA Lies Beyond The Obvious


Bug-free software to mitigate business riskQuality is the best business practice

Thanks to poor code quality, an average app loses 95% of users within 90 days.
Quality assurance and control are more critical than ever before due to the growing usage of smartphones, tablets, smart watches, etc. that work on software requiring continual updates. Correspondingly, dynamic market trends and the ever-changing technology landscape with the emergence of disruptive technologies such as cloud, mobility, and social media have made profound impact necessitating a change in methodology, approach, and delivery of Testing Services. Futurism Technologies provides a full spectrum of quality assurance and testing services to organizations both creating and utilizing business applications and software products. We deliver a combination of solid technical competence along with state-of-the-art testing technologies and frameworks.

Services Escalate the Value of your Applications

Functional Testing

Our Functional testing services are aimed to verify whether the software product complies with the functional requirements indicated in its specification. We offer an array of functional testing services including,

  • Unit and Integration Testing

  • System and Regression Testing

  • User acceptance and Sanity Testing

  • System and Interface Testing

  • Smoke Testing

Non-functional testing

    Non-functional testing services from Futurism are designed to verify the quality characteristics of the component or system to be tested. We specialize in,

  • Compatibility and Compliance Testing

  • Performance and Load Testing

  • Recovery Testing

  • Security Testing

  • Scalability Testing

  • Usability Testing

Agile Testing Services

    Futurism provides Agile Testing Services that seamlessly integrate Outsourced Testing with the rest of your Agile Team. As many organizations move to Agile Software development, testing processes have also evolved to meet the needs of Agile. We offer,

  • Agile Test Strategy and Approaches

  • Functional Testing

  • Exploratory & Usability Testing

  • Unit & Component Testing

  • Non-Functional Testing (Performance Testing, Load Testing, Security Testing, etc.)

  • Test Automation

Application Testing

    Futurism offers testing for a single application or the entire application-eco system. Our QA solutions combines your capabilities with our specialized testing expertise to deliver the best results. Our value addition includes,

  • Structured testing process and specialist testing skills to cut short your time-to-market

  • Our automation and test cases skills allows us to deliver better quality and development timeframes

  • Cost savings by leveraging economies of scale and skilled low-cost resources

  • Risk-based testing to mitigate technical and business risk

Compatibility Testing

    With apps integration a usual norm now, the need for compatibility testing is getting bigger, and with our expertise, we see it with an organized approach, increased coverage, and regular feedback from our clients. Futurism offers extensive compatibility testing of products on variety of platforms as follows,

  • Browsers

  • Hardware devices

  • Mobile devices

  • Databases

Mobile Testing

    Mobile applications are a part our daily routine and responsible for digital transformation across sectors today. With numerous options available, users are increasingly intolerant of poor user experience, functional defects and below-par performance. At Futurism, we offer following Mobile apps Testing services,

  • Performance Testing

  • Compatibility Testing

  • User Experience Testing

  • Functional Testing

Testing Tools

    Futurism Technologies provides wide number of most popular and powerful testing tools to help you release high quality software application in shorter release cycles at reduced costs

  • Selenium

  • Appium

  • Protractor

  • Robotium

  • Galen

  • Applitool

The ImpactFor Us, Bug Error Failure is not an option

Our Value PropositionCovering all facets of QA and Control

Case StudiesA deeper look into our impact

Automated Regression Testing’s Positive Impact on IT Major



Automated Regression Testing’s Positive Impact on IT Major

How Strategic Automation Resulted In A 30%  Reduction in Scripting and Maintenance Cost



How Strategic Automation Resulted In A 30% Reduction in Scripting and Maintenance Cost